All the announcements you may have missed....
Women's Bible Study
There will be a Women's Bible Study during the day on Thursday 9th June, followed by the first Thursday of each month. Open to all Women of all Nations! See here for more details.
Hope Youth Corps Papua New Guinea
The Hope Worldwide Youth Corps Event is from the 16th to the 31st of July 2016. For more details, check out this previous announcement.
Save the date
We have an exciting event on the 25th June from 1 - 5pm called 'Chariot Ride'. More details coming this Wednesday at midweek.
June Kitchen Duty - West Region
A reminder that starting next Sunday, the West Region will be volunteering in the Kitchen. Many hands make light work so please come prepared. For all others please help by bringing your tea/coffee cup back to the kitchen.
Evening Service & Shared Meal
A reminder that this weekend we will not have our standard Sunday morning service, but we WILL be having an evening service starting at 6pm, followed by a shared meal.
Same location, just a later start time, see the event for more details.